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Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Vs: 3% intressi laenu pakkumine (3% interest loan bid)


Mrs Pamela George Loan Firm®


Greetings to you, 
I'm Mrs. Pamela George, a private loan lender. I offer loans to individuals, business, and other institutions with a loan interest rate of 3%. Loan payment is made on a monthly basis, and our loan ranges from at least 5000? up to € 1 million. If you need a loan, simply send us the information below for processing. 

The required amount of: 
Loan duration: 
House address: 
The purpose of the loan: 
Phone Number: 
Monthly income: 

Looking forward to your reply. 

Best regards, 
Mrs. P. George 

Tervitused teile,
Ma olen proua Pamela George, era-laenu andja. Pakun välja laenud eraisikutele, ettevõte, ja muudeasutuste juures laenu intressimäära 3%. Laenumakse on tehtud igakuiselt, ja Meie laenusumma ulatub vähemalt 5000 ? kuni 1 miljon eurot. Kui vaja laenu, lihtsalt saatke meile info on allpool töötlemiseks.

Vajaminev summa:
Laenu kestus:
Maja aadress:
Eesmärgil laenu:
Igakuine sissetulek:

 Ootan teie vastust.

Parim osas,
Proua P. George

From Sandra Assi

sender e-mail

To e-mail

From Sandra Assi

My Dearest,
Good day,may the blessings of God be upon you and grant you the wisdom and sympathy to understand my situation and how much I need your help. After going through your profile, l was convinced that you are reputable and a trust worthy person who can help me.

I am contacting you with the hope that you will be of great assistance to me. My name is Sandra Assi, 21 years old Girl from Cote D 'Ivoire . My father and i escaped from our country at the heat of the civil war after loosing my mother and two of my senior brothers in the war. As a result of the political instability in my country even after the war, my father established his cocoa and coffee export business in my country Abidjan , Ivory Coast.

He was in Burke, A northern city to negotiate for the purchase of a cocoa plantation when he was shot by the rebel troupes fighting to take over the Government of the country. The death of my father has now made me an orphan and thereby exposing me to danger.
Before his unfortunate death, my late father called me beside his sick bed and told me as his only surviving Daughter, that he had deposited in one of the prominent bank here in our country the sum of $Nine million Dollars. with my name as the next of kin.

As a result of the present insecurity of lives and property in this country,
I want to relocate to another country because there is no more good securities, no more good universities, no investment opportunities anymore in this Cote D' Ivoire since this rebel, political and civil war started, i hope you heard about the war of Cote D' Ivoire.

My reasons for contacting you are listed below :

1. I want you to assist me transfer and invest this sum of Nine Million US Dollars ($9,000,000.00) which i inherited from my late father before he died.
2. I want you to assist me get university admission as soon as i arrive to your country after the transfer of the money.
3. I want you to be my guardian hence my father is dead.
4. I want you to assist me get good accommodation in your country.

I am willing to offer you 15% while 5% has been earmarked for expenses. I will appreciate it if you respond to me as soon as you received my e-mail so that we can discuss further on this matter. Please contact me on this my private E-mail box ( )

Sandra Assi,


(automaat tõlge)

Alates Sandra Assi

Kullake ,
Hea päev , võib Jumala õnnistused olgu teile ja annab teiletarkust ja kaastunnet , et mõista
minu olukorda ja kui palju ma vajan sinu abi. Pärast läbimas oma profiili , ma olin
veendunud, et teil on hea mainega jausaldust väärt inimene , kes saab mind aidata .
Ma olen Teiega lootuses , et teil on suur abi mulle. Minu nimi on Sandra Assi , 21-aastane
tüdruk alates Elevandiluurannik .

???Mina ja mu isa põgenes meie riiki soojustkodusõda pärast kaotada oma ema ja kaks mu vanem vennad sõjas . Selle tulemusena , et poliitiline ebastabiilsus minu riik isegi pärast sõda , isa asutatud tema kakao ja kohvi eksporti
kodumaal Abidjan , Elevandiluurannik .

Ta oli Burke,Põhja- linn läbirääkimisi ostmisekskakaoistanduse kui teda tulistati mässuliste trupid võitlevad üle võtta riigi valitsus?.Mu isa surma on nüüd teinud mindharva ning seeläbi seatakse mind oht .

Enne oma õnnetu surma minu hilja isa kutsus mind kõrvale oma haige voodi ja ütles mulle, kui tema ainus ellujäänud tütar , et ta hoiustatud üks tuntud pank siin meie riigissumma $ Üheksa miljonit dollarit. minu nimelähisugulasega .
Selle tulemusena käesoleva ebakindlus elu ja vara selles riigis .Ma tahan kolida teise riiki , sest ei ole enam hea väärtpaberite enam hea ülikoolid ei investeerimisvõimalusi enam selles Elevandiluurannik kuna see mässaja , poliitiline ja
kodusõda algas , ma loodan, et olete kuulnudsõda Cote D Ivoire'is .

Minu põhjused Teiega on loetletud allpool:
1 .Ma tahan sind aidata mind üle ja investeerida see summa üheksa miljonit USA dollarit ($ 9,000,000.00 ) mis ma päritud minu hilja isa , enne kui ta suri.

?2 . Ma tahan sind aidata mind ülikooli vastuvõtu niipea kui ma saabun oma riigi pärast üleandmiseeest.
3 . Ma tahan , et sa oleksid mu kaitseingel seega mu isa on surnud.
4 . Ma tahan sind aidata mul saada hea majutus teie riigis.

?Olen valmis pakkuma Teile 15 % ja 5% on ette nähtud kulud . Ma hindan seda , kui sa vastad
mulle niipea, kui olete saanud oma e- mail , et saaksime arutada edasist selles küsimuses .

Palun võtke mind selle minu era e-posti kasti ( )

?Sandra Assi.
